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Decrease Clutter for a Happier, Healthier, More-Productive You

Clutter can be detrimental to your success.

A messy desk and office may seem normal, but it is a problem that can make you less successful.

According to the National Association of Professional Organizations, paper clutter is the number 1 problem for most businesses. Studies show the average person wastes 4.3 hours per week searching for papers, which not only adds stress and frustration, but it also deters concentration and creative thinking.

Studies also show that 75% or more of all physician visits are stress-related, so when you unclutter your office, you will not only increase productivity, security, and profits but reduce overall stress and medical care costs.

Stop the Clutter

Here are a few ideas on stopping the clutter and getting organized practically.

No matter if your desk and office are slightly messy or are disaster areas, learning to unclutter will help ease your mind and make you more efficient. At our printing firm, we get things done efficiently and professionally. We are here to help you stay on top of your latest projects. Reach out today!

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